If you’ve read Part I of our trip from Brooklyn to Illinois, you know that our road trip had hit a snag before we had even left the city. (Or, more accurately, a snag had hit us, in the form of a huge bus.1) We figured we had probably just reset our moving karma and the rest of the trip would be cake, but, alas, it most certainly was not.
First, the good: On Friday night, even with the delays attendant to being hit by a bus (dealing with the police and the rental car company and then hitting rush hour because we had been delayed in the city), we made it to our goal town of Weirton, West Virginia.

Now, the even better: On Saturday, we traveled on to Indianapolis, only about 5 hours away, and visited some friends (also former Brooklynites) who live there. We hadn’t seen them in over a year, so it was nice to spend some time with them and their son (who had turned two since we had seen him last and acquired a huge vocabulary).
Everyone had been warning us about the impending snowstorm, and we were compulsively checking the weather. The last thing we wanted to do was be stranded on the highway in a minivan full of 95% of our worldly possessions during a snowstorm, and we were trying to determine the best time to leave Indianapolis to avoid this fate (or if we could leave at all on Sunday as planned). When we woke up on Sunday, we found a few inches2 of snow on the ground (and on our vehicle) but there didn’t appear to be any ice at that point. The weather showed snow continuing to fall in Indianapolis for the rest of the day, but the remainder of our drive looked pretty clear. Continue reading Brooklyn to Illinois, Part II (Or, Do You Know Where the Jack Is Located?)