1. Who are you?
We’re a couple of attorneys who left our jobs in New York to do some traveling. We bought one-way tickets to Mozambique in March 2014 and traveled through Southern, Eastern, and Northern Africa on our way up to the Middle East and Europe. Wherever practicable, we traveled overland, relying mainly on public transportation, as we traversed our way northward. Check out our About Us page!

2. What’s a nonbillable hour?
We had spent the last five years as attorneys in large law firms, where we were responsible for recording our time. Time spent doing work that can be billed to a client is considered billable, and everything else is nonbillable. So, basically, the blog title is a bad lawyer joke.
3. Where were those pictures in the header taken?
The pictures in the header were taken in each of the countries we visited. They are set up to rotate randomly and we may swap them out on occasion. Please let us know if you are interested in more information about a specific picture.